Sebagai umat islam, sudah tentu kita harus mempelajari tentang ilmu ketauhidan. Hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan rukun iman, rukun Islam, dan Iman dalam Islam. Selain itu juga harus mengetahui sifat-sifat Allah Ta’ala. Menurut ulama, sifat wajib Allah Ta’ala sebernarnya sangatlah banyak sebab Allah Maha Sempurna. Namun berdasarkan dalil-dalil (baik dalil naqli atau ‘aqli), sifat yang diketahui secara umum berjumlah 20 sifat.
As Muslims, we certainly have to learn about the science of monotheism. Matters relating to the pillars of faith, the pillars of Islam, and faith in Islam. It also should know the attributes of Allah Ta'ala. According to scholars, the compulsory nature of Allah Ta'ala sebernarnya very much because God is perfect. However, based on the arguments (either proposition naqli or 'aqli), generally known properties totaling 20 properties.